

General Dentist

P: 972.231.4390 • F: 972.490.8053

Welcome Dental Professionals . . .

Thank you for taking a moment to consider this exciting concept, which provides a new service to your patients and which improves the profitability of your practice.  This concept is what we call “Virtual Innovative Practice Systems” (VIPS).

My staff and I will come to your office and provide a variety of dental services including cavity filling, oral examination, root canal treatment and minor dental procedures.

We have worked successfully with this concept with dentists in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and surrounding areas.  The demand for these services is increasing as many general dentists look for ways to improve customer (patient) service and to deal with escalating overhead costs.

Within the Website, I will introduce you to both myself and to my practice.  This site includes access to information regarding my personal and professional history, as well as my complete résumé.  You may also read more about my practice and its organization, goals, and development by entering the Mission Statement section.  Additionally, detailed information about the dental procedures offered through my practice may be found here.

Board Certified Dentist

Specialist in Dental Implant

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